Jennifer Rainsford a 2020 Chicken and Egg grantee

11 March, 2020

We are happy to announce that Jennifer Rainsford, director of the beautiful project Stories From The Debris,  is one of ten Chicken and Egg grantees for their 2020 (Egg)celerator lab for emerging documentary filmmakers. The project will take part in the lab during the year and  receive $40,000.

With the Japanese Tsunami of 2011 as a backdrop, Stories From The Debris assembles a collection of hopeful, uncanny, sad and poetic stories about how humans and nature live through change. Read more about the grant in Women and Hollywood.


4 March, 2020

Finally we can announce that the documentary by Henrik Burman about Swedish hiphop phenomena YUNG LEAN is now finished and will have its world premiere at Tribeca!

YUNG LEAN: IN MY HEAD is a riveting coming of age story and a journey through fame, mental health, drugs and everlasting friendship. The film is produced by David Herdies and Michael Krotkiewski from Momento Film and Ludvig Andersson from RMV Film.

Transnistra – Best Documentary at Guldbaggen!

23 January, 2020

We are very happy and proud that Anna Eborn’s Transnistra won Best Documentary at the national swedish film award – Guldbaggegalan 2020. The film is produced by David Herdies and Michael Krotkiewski at Momento Film.

“Comic, tragic, bizarre, magnificent – like the film’s contrasting world. Its shimmering escape – the ongoing film strip. 2019’s Guldbagge for Best Documentary film goes to Transnistra by Anna Eborn.”
– The Swedish Film Institute.




8 January, 2020

We are extremely happy to share the news that Transnistra has received a triple nomination in the Swedish national film award Guldbagge-galan. The film is nominated in the categories Best Film, Best Documentary, Best Editing. Congratulations to director Anna Eborn, producers David Herdies and Micke Krotkiewski and the whole team.

The award ceremony will take place the 20th of January, and we keep our fingers crossed for Transnistra!


11 June, 2019

After winning at Rotterdam IFF, Göteborg FF and Crossing Europe, we are proud to announce that the Best Nordic Documentary Award of Oslo Pix goes to Transnsitra by Anna Eborn. The Jury statement is:

(Norwegian)”Vinneren av Oslo Grand Pix Nordisk Dokumentar går til en film som er et helhetlig og balansert stykke dokumentarkunst. Subtilt bygget opp med delikat kinematografi, har filmen en hypersensitiv visjon om å portrettere unge mennesker uten retning – i et øde område i Øst-Europa. Spesielt klarer filmens originale motiv – en sensuell tenåringsjente som omgir seg med flere jevnaldrende gutter –  å skape en atmosfære der naturlig kroppslig nærhet og pulserende intensitet står i motsetning til den gråtunge klisjéen som ofte preger øst-europeisk realisme.”

Thank you Oslo Pix and huge congratulations to Anna Eborn and the team!